Get educated and become an expert on how to get hard money loans and how to put together proposals on deals to get money not through traditional lenders. Be involved in a community where you can sell and source money for your deals. Come into contact with buyers and sellers under one roof.
Elite Inner Circle Package
Full Access as Lender or Borrower to the MS Community for One Year
Private Lenders ready to give you money
Borrowers with Deals looking for your money
#1 money-focused online networking community in the country
Elite User Set-up to feature all your wants and needs
Pro User Set-up to feature all your wants and needs
This is a 1 Year Subscription
What is the Program?
This program focuses on advanced education, mentoring, and attending Masterminds all across North America. During this exclusive Inner Circle Mastermind, learn with you techniques and strategies he has learned from other multi-millionaires and shows you how to implement these into your business to explode your results.
Access to 100s of Hours of Advanced Training
Basic Access Flipping Edge Software
Access Continuing Education, Coaching & Support
Mastering Wholesaling – Complete training on getting started and mastering Wholesale RealEstate Investing
Ask A Flipping Expert Training Series - 56 individual training sessions to dive deep into strategy, structure, and complete knowledge of RE Investing and Lending.
Become the Bank – Advanced 10 Part Video Training on how to use a 200 year old banking system to cut out the middleman and put your money to work at all times even when you use it
“The Most Powerful Real Estate Investment Tool Available”
Includes one-year top-tier membership Membership includes:More data, more features, and more investor tools than any other product or service on the market today.
Specific Property information, Ability to create Targeted Marketing Lists, Accurate Comps & Rental Pricing
Rehab Expenses Calculator that uses local labor and material costs, and much more.
Pro Inner Circle Mastermind Students Only
Private Facebook Group to be introduced to exclusive opportunities & network with a powerful group of Investors, CEOs & business leaders
Receive coaching and training from top trainers in the country
Join us for monthly advanced Webinars & Online Trainings from multimillionaires, CEOs, & special guest appearances such as Kent Clothier, Dean Graziosi, Randy Garb, Greg Herlean, and many more.
Other Benefits
This Elite Package gives you undeniable access to the best resources for wealth creation and business growth.
Access to The Cash Compound - Advanced training on banking principles, infinite banking and privatized banking concepts
Full Access to Chris via Direct Message within the MS Community
Fully Customizable Access and Training to the Standard Operating Procedure and the Perfect Loan Proposal
Full Support from The Entire Money School Mentor Team via MS Community Get all your questions answered, deals reviewed, and confidence needed to do more deals and build your wealth
BONUS - Autographed Hard Copy of Book, “Mapping Out the Millionaire Mystery”, as well as his best selling book “The Private Money Guide: Solutions To Finding Money... Where To Go And How To Ask”